Fig. 3

Fig. 3....

Figure 3. Envelopes of the six largest independent components (black outline, filled with red, from all 31 channels) (cf. Fig. 1c above), superimposed on the mean response envelopes for all 25 Presented/Attended Location conditions. Note the systematic differences between the sets of conditions in which the different components are active: N1aL and N1aR (top row) are evoked by left and right visual field stimuli, but do not appear to depend in any simple way on the attended location. Both also respond to midline stimuli. N1b (center left) responds to right visual field stimuli. Its amplitude is enhanced both in attended locations and to a lesser extent in nearby right visual field locations (locations (4,5) and (5,4)). P2a, by contrast (middle right), has little or no response to targets (diagonal traces). Its amplitude is generally largest to nontarget midline stimuli. Components P3f (lower left) and P3b (lower right, amplitude clipped) account for overlapping early and middle portions of the late positive complex (Makeig et al., J. Neurosci., 1999) in responses to target stimuli presented at attended locations.

